X-Plane11 シーナリー ライブラリーリスト
元になったのは,”Master List of Libraries“と”X-Plane Library Installer Base Pack“です。
このリストは,随時追加・更新していますので,順番はそろっておりません m(__)m

3D people library
A collection of 353 3D low polygon people to bring your scenery to life. Unzip and place in your Custom Scenery folder. ...
FREE add-on static and animated aircraft for JeffMueller's payware airports, and GroundTraffic developers
This is a FREE add-on collection of static aircraft for FunnerFlight's (JeffMueller) payware KJFK v2 airport, now it's o...
ALES Developer Library

ALES Developer Library
ALES Developer Library is finally here to become a great addition to the original beloved ALES and unleash its potential...
BS2001 Object Library

BS2001 Object Library
This the excellent collection by member BS2001 of European Airport Objects and European Road Objects, (approx 85 objects...
Cami De Bellis(CDB)-Library

See details below.
CustomSBDatarefs004 Plugin CustomSBDatarefs004.zip
SE- Lib SE_Lib.zip
1-SE-LA-X-LIBRARY1-2 1-SE-LA-X-Library1_2.zip
simHeaven X-EUROPE 5

simHeaven | X-EUROPE
spc_lib Objects Library

Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
Vegetation Library When not using X-EUROPE5
X-Europe Seasons Winter texture

Vegetation Library When not using X-EUROPE5
X-Europe Seasons Winter texture
simHeaven VFR-Landmark

simHeaven | VFR-Landmarks
simHeaven Europe Library HD

X-Plane Extra Landmark Package

X-Plane Extra Landmark Package
This package contains some extra landmarks that I have gradually added as I have flown around various locations. They ar...

Library - European Vehicles (static)
Based on my static European vehicles I made a library. Advantage for scenery developers: they can use the vehicles for f...

FF Library - extended LOD version
By popular demand this is an extended LOD version of FF Library. In comparison to the "regular" version it will make you...

Version 1.7 adds back Hangar_12 as well as corrects some problems with the displaying of the hangars due to problems wit...

Flags of the World: Real Flag II
This is a library of 215 flags from all the countries in the world. The library appears in Overlay Editor as it's own pu...

Flags of the USA States: Real Flag II
This is a library of flags of the USA, all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the 3 territories. The library appea...
Fly-by Planes Library

Flyby Planes Library
Flyby Planes Library add 10 animated flying planes in 60 seconds to any airport! total of "173 flying planes, helicopter...
FlyAgi Vegetation

German Traffic Library

German traffic library
Installation: as usual, place the content of the downloaded zip file into your Custom Scenery folder before starting X-P...
gt(Ground Textures)_library

Ground Textures Library
Welcome to my gt_library (Ground Textures Library) which contains Ground Texture Draped Polygons. As a Scenery Maker, I ...
Greece, Cyprus & Cyclades autogen scenery

Greece, Cyprus & Cyclades autogen scenery
Greece, Cyprus and Cyclades autogen Libraries for X-Plane 11 Nothing special, basically a clone of the default US autoge...
Greek Houses and Buildings
Greek Houses and Buildings
Greek Houses and Buildings library. Includes: traditional houses (Cyclades) detailed and simple, animated Greek mills an...
Headwind Grain Land Library

Headwind Grain Land Library V1.0.0 for X-Plane Install
Headwind_Grain_Land_Library for X-Plane has about 4300 custom scenery objects created by Headwind primarily to support H...

X-Plane 'Headwind X-Plane Radio Tower Library' and 'Headwind X-Plane Radio Towers Preview' packages This Radio Tower Lib...
Airport Environment HD

Airport Environment HD
Airport Environment HD is a comprehensive object and texture replacement that aims to improve the look of all airports i...

Madagascar Bush Airfields
My_Library Library-My_Library.rar

NAPS Library
Visit the post for more.
North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 1

North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 1
Fed up with empty airports? This could be the answer. Beber made a series of "serviced" static aircraft with various liv...
North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 2

North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 2
Fed up with empty airports? This could be the answer. Beber made a series of "serviced" static aircraft with various liv...
North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 3

North American Serviced Aircraft Library Part 3
Fed up with empty airports? This could be the answer. Beber made a series of "serviced" static aircraft with various liv...
ORBX free library

Orbx Libraries - X-Plane 11
Parking Stands & Signs Library

Parking Stands & Signs
ADSparks_Library - Parking Stands & Signs Thank you for downloading this scenery enhancement pack. All of these Stands &...
pm (Paulmort)_library

pm_library Objects For Scenery
Please note that the v2.7 of the pm_library exceeded the upload limit & so you need to Download it from NOT the standard...
PP(Pavement Paintings)library

Pavement paintings library (PPlibrary)
I created a collection of common pavement paintings as (draped) polygons. I call it PPlibrary. I know there are already ...

RescueX(RescueX Helicopter Mission Library)_Lib

RescueX Lib

Free Scenery Object for X-Plane
SAM – Scenery Animation Manager – Suite

Scenery Animation Manager - Suite
WARNING: This is a legacy file. The latest SAM version is available here. CAUTION: SAM Suite does not work in combinatio...
Static GA Aircraft New Zealand

Static GA Aircraft New Zealand
Information: I decided to repaint the planes to fictional / actual registrations (ZK-???) to compliment some scenery whi...
THE-FAIB Aircraft Library

The FAIB Aircraft Library
THE-FAIB Aircraft Library Assembled by roymar and Jiggyb2 This is now the complete library that will complement the prev...
THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library

THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library
THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library v3.0 rev1 Assembled by roymar and Jiggyb2 The A300B,A306,A310,A342,A343,A345,A346,A388 ...

The Handy Objects Library
The Handy Objects Library is a library of objects that I hope you find useful in your scenery creation projects in World...
TM Billboards Library

TM Library: Billboards HD vol 1 for X-Plane 11
Yes, yet another library! Billboards HD vo1 for X Plane 11 FREEWARE EDITION -content: this library is featuring a set of...
Vehicle Library Extension

Vehicle Library Extension
Vehicle Library Extension v1.2Oct 27, 2012 Chris KQuick Description: This file puts a lot more and different types of ca...
Wrecked Vehicles

Wrecked Vehicles
A collection of wrecked and rusty ships and other vehicles. Unzip into your Custom Scenery folder. Includes library file...

This is a very little library of objects to help scenery authors build airport terminals - kind of 'lego' style. It cont...
X-Pre-Fab Airports Library (and packages)

Prefab scenery for 25000 airports
Version 8 is the latest update of the 25000 airports package for X-Plane. V8.3 = XP11 V8.4 = XP12 IMPORTANT Laminar chan...

Hard Surface Library
Scenery library to harden airport surface. This polygon will harden your airport ground and surface. Installation: Unzip...
Backup Scenery Library

Backup Scenery Library
X-Plane® Backup Scenery Library Introduction This is a placeholder shim library for all the major X-Plane® third party s...
HungaryVFR-Library Direct Link
zzz_new_zealand_overlay Direct Link